

Expert Member, Kerala coastal zone management Authority, Govt. of India, Notification. S.O. 2060 (E), dated 8th June Ministry of Environment and Climate Change. For Three years Term.

  • Expert Member – International Inter University Centre for Biology, University of Kannur
  • Expert in Students project review Committee of Kerala State Council for Science Technology and Environment
  • International –Inter University Centre for Tropical Biodiversity (IIUCTB) Advisory Committee, University of Kannur.
  • Expert MemberAccess and Benefit Sharing, National Committee for approving access of bioresources to foreign nationals from National Biodiversity Authority.Chennai (2013-15).
  • Member Senate, University of Kerala. (2011-2014)
  • Member Faculty of Technology, Kannur University
  • Member Board of Studies in Forestry University of Kannur
  • Member –Board of Studies in Aqua Culture (Single Board), University of Calicut (2014-2018)
  • Executive member, Governing Council, Kerala Academy of Sciences
  • Member Board of Studies in Forestry and Wood Technology (Combined), University of Kannur.
  • Member Board of studies of Biotechnology, University of Kerala (2001-2007)
  • Member Board of studies of Biochemistry, University of Kerala (2001-2004)
  • Chief Superintendent, University Examinations at St Stephens College ( 2017-
  • Expert member for Student Project Review Committee of Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment.
  • Member of Text Materials Preparation committee SCERT
  • Resource person for State committee for Education and Research and Training (SCERT, Kerala), 2007.
  • Member Anti – malpractice squad of University of Kerala during 1997.
  • Life Member of Kerala Academy of Sciences
  • Ph D Adjudicator of Manonmanium Sundaranar University, Thirunelveli
  • Examiner of Kerala Public Service Commission – 2013
  • Reviewer of Biological conservation, International journal published by Elsevier. Amsterdam
  • Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Traditional and Folk Practices (JTFP) published jointly by KSCSTE and JNTBGRI
  • AIR Radio Talks on Environment, Biodiversity and Consrvation
  • Review Member, Balasahithya Puraskara Committee, Kerala State Institute of Children’s Literature, Department of Cultural Affairs, Government of Kerala.
  • Additional Chief of University Examinations (2011).
  • Chief Editor of the Proceedings of National seminar on Biodiversity Conservation in the Kerala Scenario- 2007.
  • Director Research, St Stephens College, Pathanapuram, Kerala
  • External Examiner for Practical and Theory papers of BSc. Degree, University of Kerala.
  • External Examiner for Practical and Theory papers of MSc. Degree, University of Kerala
  • Presented UGC for a new Vocational Degree course named Biological Techniques and Specimen Preparation (BTSP) for SSC.
  • Question paper setter to UG applied Zoology to MS University, Thirunelveli.
  • Question paper setter for PG Zoology Examination Board of Kannur University.
  • Expert Member, Student Project Committee, Kerala Science, Technology and Environment for 2016- 2017.
  • Expert Member and compiled the report of Working group on Biodiversity constituted by Kerala State Planning Board for 13th Five year plan meeting (Order no. 300/2016/AGRI (W9)/SPB dated 19. 09. 2016
  • Member selection committee to recruit CEBPOL ( Center for biodiversity policy and law) Fellow a bilateral programme of Government of India and Norway 2016
  • Expert member demarking ESA in Kerala represented Kerala in MoEF New Delhi.
  • Expert Member to assess Plant Genome Saviour Award 2012,
  • Programme Officer of National Service Scheme of University of Kerala for five years
  • Convener, Kerala State Biodiversity BoardStaff Recruitment RulesAdhoc Committee.
  • Nodel Officer, Prevention of Money Laundering Act 2002 (PMLA), Environment Department, Government of Kerala.
  • National level Expert Committee on Access and Benefit Sharing, National Biodiversity Authority, Chennai.
  • Member –Technical Committee, Karamana River Scientific Management Project, Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment.
  • Presiding Officer for General Elections of Indian Parliament, Kerala Assembly and Local body elections in Kerala.
  • Governing body member, representing Kerala University in respect of Marion College of Engineering, Kazhakootam, Trivandrum.
  • Member, Kerala State Task force to prepare project report on Tanks and ponds in Kerala.
  • Member State level Project Steering Committee of India High Range Mountain landscape.
  • Member, Wetlands project monitoring committee, Kerala by Environment Department, Kerala.
  • Member –Technical Committee, Karamana River Scientific Management Project, Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment.

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