Add-on Courses

/Certificate Courses offered by

Department of Commerce
Name of the Course: Foundation programme in Banking and Financial services
Objectives of the Programme
  • To give awareness about banking and financial services.
  • To provide basic knowledge about the banking and financial services to the students of all streams.
  • To give practical knowledge and experience on the topic to students especially the students who have the aim to achieve jobs in banking financial sector.
       Department of Commerce is conducting add-on course on Foundation programme in Banking and Financial services from the year 2017-18. The Hedge School of Applied Economics in association with Kerala Academy for Skill Excellence is conducting the programme. The students of all departments are the beneficiaries of the programme. Resource persons having practical experience in the banking sector and financial sector are sharing their experience in innovative teaching methods.
       The students will get a certificate approved by Kerala Academy for Skill Excellence with the completion of their degree course and also they will get an opportunity of exposure at the time of seeking a job, Strong recommendations and concessions from the part of institution will be received by the students who have an intention to acquire a job in this field.
Department of English


Course Duration: 3 months

No. of instructional hours: 1 per week (Total: 10 hrs)

Instructors: Ms. Jolly Malayam & Ms. Shyja S. Rajan


  1. To help the students attain high level proficiency in the Language Skill of Speaking.
  2. To enhance their career prospects and employability by equipping them to confidently take up job interviews.
  3. To help them develop their personality by fine tuning their communication and presentation skills.


On completion of the course, the students should be able to:

  1.  Speak flawlessly in R.P.
  2.  Engage in all kinds of communication activities: – informal, academic
  3. Widen their job hunt prospectives
  4. Face interviews confidently.


Module 1

Listening and Speaking:

 Varieties of Modern English – British, American, Indian Basic Sounds – Deviations in American and Other Varieties – Syllable Structure – Stress – Word – Stress And Sentence Stress – Intonation.

Verbal Communication: Conversation – Basic Techniques – How To Begin, Interrupt, Hesitate And End – How To Express Time, Age, Feelings And Emotions – How To Respond – Using Language In Various Contexts/Situations- Talking About Oneself, Others- Describing Persons, Places, Incidents, Events And Objects – Attending An Interview – Addressing An Audience — Using Audio-Visual Aids-Making Short Speeches-Compering – Group Discussion. Non-verbal Communication: Body Language: Postures – Orientation – Eye Contact – Facial

Expression – Dress – Posture – Self Concept – Self Image – Self-Esteem – Attitudes- Values and Perception.

Module 2

 Practical Sessions

Micro Teaching – Role Play – Group Discussion – Debate – Mock Interview – Interviewing the College Chairperson-On Phone with my Favourite Radio Jockey formal or business related & On completion of the course, the students should be able to:

  1. Speak flawlessly in R.P.
  2. Engage in all kinds of communication activities:
Department of Economics

  Certificate course in budget and finance

Course Code: CBF1                                                                                          Duration:10 hours

 This course will introduce the participants to the function and process of operational budgeting. The role of operational budgeting in organizational planning and control will be reviewed. Course topics will include: budget preparation, resource allocation/strategic planning, compliance, variances, audits, and cost containment. Course participants will study key differences in corporate, nonprofit, and government budgeting methodologies


  • Interpret financial information
  • Analyze financial statements
  • Determine costs and benefits of business decisions
  • Develop operational budgets
  • Apply cost management techniques
  • Organize risk and return considerations in capital budgeting


 Module 1 Budget-Types-Examples-Cash Flow & Related Issues- short-term cash flow, long-term cash flow-Business Budget

Module 2 Business Savings and Cost Cutting- various areas of savings and cost cutting to explore in a company-Payroll Budgeting-Trends

Module 3 Risk-Types-Return-Capital Budgeting


T.N Hajela-Public Economics,Ave Book Pvt.Ltd.

K.K.Dewet-Modern Economic Theory

Mithani D.M :Modern Public Finance

Jha R:Modern Public Finance

Post Graduate Department of Mathematics


Course Code:                                                                                    Course Duration: 30 Hours


Course Objectives:
The structure of the course is to give an exposure to the basic mathematical tools. The objective is to prepare students of all streams for their higher studies and to approach competitive examinations. Detailed explanation and short cut methods for solving problems are to be introduced to students,so that they can acquire better understanding of concepts and problem solving skills.

Module I (10 Hours) Types of numbers, HCF & LCM of integers, Fractions, Decimals, Simplifications (BODMAS rule), squares and square roots, Permutations and combinations,Trigonometry, Heights and distances.

Module II (10 Hours) Simple interest, Compound interest, Ratio and proportion, percentage, profit & loss, Time and work, Work and wages, Time and distance, Matrices, Solution of Equations using Matrix method.

Module III (10 Hours) Elementary mensuration – Area and perimeter of polygons, Elementary Algebra, monomial,binomial, polynomial (linear, quadratic & cubic), Quadratic equations, simple factorization of quadratic and cubic polynomials, Statistics data and charts, Mean, median and mode.

References :
1. M. Tyra, & K. Kundan-Concepts of Arithmetic, BSC Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd.
2. S Narayaynan & TK Manikavachagam Pillai : Calculus Volume I, S Viswanathan Printers and
Publications Pvt. Ltd.

Course Outcomes:
1. To nurture the fundamental mathematical skills for preparing and cracking competitive
2. To kindle the problem solving ability of the students

Post Graduate Department of Physics
Post Graduate and Research Department of Chemistry


Course Code – CHE 2020                                                (32 hours)


Through this course, the students will be able to

  1. Apply computer-based calculations to determine the geometry, energies and properties of molecules.
  1. Get hands-on experience in various insilico tools.


MODULE 1 Basics of cheminformatics (6 hours) Chemical-biological databases and data sources; (Pubchem & PDB) Chemical file formats ; (MOL, SDF, PDB formats), File format conversion using OPEN BABEL.

 MODULE 2 Software Training (8 hours) Chemistry related softwares – Structure drawing softwares, molecular modelling softwares,  Molecular visualization tools (Avogadro, Chemdraw, Pymol & Discovery Studio)                                                           

MODULE 3 Computer assisted drug design (8 hours) Drug Likeness Prediction – Properties of small molecules , structural features, ADME prediction, Bioavailability, Toxicity studies, Pharmacokinetics and  Pharmacodynamics of drugs (Swiss ADME &  PreADMET servers).

MODULE 4 Computational quantum chemistry (3 hours) Potential energy surface- stationary point, saddle point or transition state, local and global minima, Basis sets , Quantum mechanical computational methods-Ab initio methods, Semiempirical methods, DFT methods. Non-quantum mechanical computational methods.                

MODULE 5 Computational Chemistry Experiments (7 hours) Single point energy and vibrational frequency calculation of simple molecules, Calculation of energy of HOMO and LUMO of simple organic molecules, Ionisation energy and electron affinity calculations.



Course Code – CHE 2023                                                (50 hours)


Through this course, the students will be able to

  1. Get professional training and awareness for career in water quality analytical field.
  1. Get practical knowledge about water contamination and do analysis of real samples.



MODULE I   (5 hours) Analytical instruments –Brief outline. Flame emission spectro photometer (FES), UV-Vis spectrophotometer, Atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS), Biological analyzers .Autoclave, incubator, water analyzer for pH, salinity and electrical conductance ; Units in which the quality parametrs are reporting during each analyzing.                                                                                     

MODULE II (10 hours) Inorganic materials leading to toxicity of water – Its Hazardous value, safety measures and precautions. Maximum permissible limits of toxic contaminants, Possible Reasons for  water and soil contamination, Control of water pollution – ISI/BSI standards of drinking water, Organic materials causing water pollution, Chemically oxygen demanded COD, Biologically oxygen demanded BOD analyses. Adverse effect in biological system– pesticides , detergents, antibiotics, fertilizers. Detailed study about  detergent contamination in ground water                                       

MODULE III  (5 hours) Sea water intrusion, Quality of groundwater – methods of collection and analysis of water samples as related to Ground water investigations. Determination of Soil texture- its significance 


Practical: Water quality analysis (30 hrs)

One seasonal collection of 50  ground water samples

  1. Determination of Hardness; total hardness, calcium hardness and magnesium hardness.
  2. pH ,salinity and total dissolved salt determination
  3. Sulfate, chloride, nitrate, phosphate content of ground water determination
  4. Water analysis procedures to determine the various toxic metals using AAS; Cu, Fe, Cr, Cd
  5. Determination of soil texture and classification of slit, clay, sand percentage.    
  6. Lab visit and analysis report
Post Graduate and Research Department of Botany


Objectives of the Programme

 To inculcate knowledge about Science in human life.

  1. To make scientific attitude to think and act based on scientific theories.
  2. To develop skills to use scientific facts, theories in human life
  3. To understand scientific terms, facts, concepts, facts, phenomenon related to Horticulture
  4. To make the students aware of natural and artificial propagation.
  5. To provide practical experience to the students about application of Horticulture
  6. The students are expected to acquire knowledge about new innovation in Horticulture
  7. To supplement the students with the latest developments in Horticulture

Course Eligibility: Any Under Graduate student who is attending CBCSS course in regular stream under University of Kerala.

MODULE I  (5 Hours) Introduction, Divisions of horticulture, Importance and scope of horticulture, Types of pots and containers, Potting mixture and potting media – soil, sand, peat, sphagnum moss, vermiculite.

MODULE II (15 Hours) Propagation methods – Cuttings, Layering (Air layering, Ground layering) Budding (T- budding and Patch budding) Grafting (Approach grafting, Bridge grafting, whip and tongue grafting, Garden tools and implements, Manures and fertilizers, Chemical fertilizers – NPK.

MODULE III (10 Hours) Components of Garden- Trees, shrubs and shrubberies, climbers and creepers Flower beds and borders, ornamental hedges, edges, paths, Carpet beds, topiary, trophy, rockery. Drives, roads, walks and Indoor garden, Roof gardens, Flower arrangement.

Post Graduate and Research Department of  Zoology
Objectives of the Programme
  • To promote self-reliance and self-employment among students
  • To learn the basics of apiculture
  • To learn the rearing of honeybee
  • To learn the methods of honey extraction
  • To learn the value addition and marketing of honey

  •  Module 1 (10 hours) Introduction to apiculture, different species of honeybees, colony organization division of abors and life cycle
  •  Module 2 (10 hours) Beekeeping equipment, seasonal management and maintenance of an apiary, bee pastures
  •  Module 3 (10 hours) Diseases and pests of honey bee and their control, use of honey, bee wax, bee venom, nutrient profile of honey, marketing strategies
  • Hands on training in apiculture (10 hours) Training Training of selected students will be carried out in the participatory bee keeping facility




Course title &


Credits Credit distribution of the course Eligibility criteria Pre-requisite of the course (if any)
Lecture Tutorial Practical/ Practice
Ornamental Fish Culture:

Opportunity and Scope

2 0 0 2 Class XII NIL


Learning Objectives

  • To give first-hand training on Aquarium preparation and decoration.
  • To gain hands-on training on breeding and culture of various Ornamental fishes.
  • To gain experience in the management of optimum water quality in the fish aquarium.
  • To gather knowledge on the nutritional requirements of the cultivable species.


Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course, the students will be able to:

  • Prepare and decorate ornamental fish aquarium.
  • Identify the suitable and economically important Ornamental fish species.
  • Initiate entrepreneurship on Aquarium making and Ornamental fish production.


Skill development and job opportunities

After completion of this course students will be

  • Fully equipped to start own entrepreneurship in aquarium making and its decoration.
  • Aware about the requirements to start their own Ornamental fish industry.




Unit I: Preparation of Aquarium and Its Decoration        20 Hours

Preparation of glass aquaria of various shapes and their decoration using locally available materials. The impact of aquatic plants in the maintenance of healthy environment in the aquarium.


  1. Construction of glass aquaria of various shapes (rectangular, square, round etc.).
  2. Identification and culture of useful aquatic plants for the decoration of fish aquarium.
  3. Decoration of aquarium with plants and locally available materials.


Unit II: Breeding of Ornamental Fishes and Culture of Plants    20 Hours

Identification of economically important cultivable Ornamental plants and fishes for culture.


  1. Identification of economically important Ornamental fishes and their breeding.
  2. Culture of young larvae and feeding them live food.
  3. Regular monitoring of water quality parameters viz. temperature, pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, ammonia etc. in the fish aquarium.
  4. Culture of zooplankton (rotifers, cladocerans, copepods etc.) using organic manures for the feeding of fish larvae.
  5. Production of plants for the decoration of aquarium.


Unit III: Production of Marketable Ornamental Fishes    20 Hours

Culture of compatible fishes together and feeding them with live food and prepared diets. Keep them ready for local market.


  1. Maintenance of aquarium.
  2. Feeding of ornamental fishes with various natural foods and prepared diets.
  3. Evaluation of their growth rate and colour development.
  4. Development of marketing strategy for the produced ornamental fishes in well decorated aquaria.
  5. Visit to any Aquarium Facility.


Recommended Readings:

  • AOAC, Association of Official Analytical Chemists. 2019. Official Methods of Analysis. Washington, DC: Association of Official Analytical Chemists Inc.
  • APHA, American Public Health Association. 2017. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. 23rd ed. Washington DC, USA: American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association, Water Environment Federation.
  • Chakrabarti, R. and Sharma, J. G. 2008. Aquahouse. New Dimension of Sustainable Aquaculture. DIPAS, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, India.
  • Holt, G. J. 2021. Larval Fish Nutrition. Willey-Blackwell, UK.
  • ICAR, Indian Council of Agricultural Research. 2013. Handbook of Fisheries and Aquaculture. Directorate of Knowledge Management in Agriculture, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, India.
  • Pillay, T. V. R. 2005. Aquaculture. Principles and Practices. Blackwell Publishing, New Delhi, India.
  • Swain, S. K., Sarangi, N. and Ayyapan, S. 2010. Ornamental Fish Farming. DIPAS, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, India.


Examination scheme and mode:

Evaluation scheme and mode will be as per the guidelines notified by the University of Kerala.

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