Biju.A. 2014. Spatial distribution and general population characteristics of Pseudanchialina pusilla (Crustacea: Mysida) in the eastern Arabian Sea. Cahiers de Biologie Marine 55: 49-56.
Remya GS, Biju.A, Sreejai R. 2019. Histopathological impact of carbofuran on the liver of fresh water fish Tilapia niloticus. The Pharma Innovation Journal, 8(6):621-623.
Honey U. K. Pillai, K. V. Jayalakshmy, A. Biju, K. J. Jayalakshmi, V. T. Paulinose, C. B. L. Devi, V. R. Nair, C. Revichandran, N. R. Menon, C. T. Achuthankutty, S. U. Panampunnayil. 2014. A comparative study on mesozooplankton abundance and diversity between a protected and an unprotected coastal area of Andaman Islands. Environmental Monitoring Assessment, 186:3305-3319.
Kusum K.K, G. Vineetha, T.V. Raveendran, K.R. Muraleedharan, A. Biju, C.T. Achuthankutty. 2014. Influence of upwelling on distribution of chaetognath (zooplankton) in the oxygen deficient zone of the Eastern Arabian Sea. Continental Shelf Research, 78: 16-28.
Sreejai R, V.S. Chithra, A. Biju, D. S. Jaya. 2015. Effect of coconut husk retting on haemetological characteristics of Oreochromis ossambicus. Science Chronicle. 20-29.
Haridevan G, R. Jyothibabu, N. Arunpandi, L. Jagadeesan, A. Biju. 2015. Influence of salinity on the life table demography of a rare Cladocera Latonopsis australis. Environment and Monitoring Assessment, 187: 643.
Jagadeesan L, P. Perumal, KX. Francis, A. Biju. 2016. Multigene DNA barcodes of Indian strain Labidocera acuta (Calanoida: Copepoda). Indian Journal of Biotechnology,15: 57-63.
Pandiarajan, RS, J. Rethnamma, A. Nagarathinam, A. Biju. 2017. Description of two new apseudomorphan Tanaidacea (Crustacea: Malacostraca: Peracarida) from the Kochi Backwaters, India. Cahiers de Biologie Marine, 58: 59-73.
Biju.A. and Honey U.K. Pillai. 2020. Copepods. In: Faunal Diversity of Biogeographic Zones : Coasts of India : 1-4. (Published by the Director, Zool. Surv. India, Kolkata) (in press).
Biju.A. and Honey U.K. Pillai. 2020. Mysida. In: Faunal Diversity of Biogeographic Zones : Coasts of India : 1-4. (Published by the Director, Zool. Surv. India, Kolkata) (in press).
Honey U.K. Pillai and Biju.A. 2020. Copepods. In: Faunal Diversity of Biogeographic Zones : Coasts of India : 1-7. (Published by the Director, Zool. Surv. India, Kolkata) (in press).
Biju.A. 2019. Current Status of Crustacean Mysids (Mysida: Peracarida) in the Andaman and Lakshadweep Waters of India. Proceedings of the Ocean Society of India Conference (OSICON–19), CMLRE (MoES), Kochi, 12-14 December, 2019
Biju. A and Honey U.K. 2018. Mysids (Mysida: Peracarida). In: Faunal diversity of Biogeographic Zones: Islands of India 235-241 Published by the Director, Zoological Survey of India. ISBN 978-81-8171-514-2.
Honey U.K., Biju . A, Chitra J and Dutta Z. 2018. Planktonic Copepods. In: Faunal diversity of Biogeographic Zones: Islands of India 235-241. Published by the Director, Zoological Survey of India. ISBN 978-81-8171-514-2.
Sreejai R, Chithra V. S, Biju. A and D. S Jaya 2018. Fish Diversity in Retting and Non-Retting areas of Kadianmkulam Estuary an Appraisal. Procedings of National seminar on Emerging Challenges in Biodiversity Conservation. M.S.M college, Kayamakulam. ISBN: 978-93-5291-469-2. pp 49-59.
Sreejai R., V.S.Chithra, Sofia Daniel and A. Biju. 2014. Diversity and abundance fishes in the Kayamakulam Estuary, Alapuzha District. Proceeding of National Seminar on conservation and management of mangrove ecosystem with special reference to its faunal diversity, Organised by Hindu College, Changanachery pp 84-87
Biju.A, Honey UK. Pillai, Jayaraj KA, Sabu P Muraleedharan KR & K.K.C. Nair. 2015. Influence of environmental parameters on the vertical distribution and abundance of Mesozooplankton in the Andaman Waters during Spring Intermonsoon. Marine and Coastal Biodiversity (edts.) Koshy, Biju and Sreejai, APH Publication Corporation, New Delhi. PP. 100-113. (ISBN: 978-93-313-2566-2).
Biju.A, M.S. Arya, G. Rejomon & L. Jagadeesan. 2015. Trace metal concentration in crustacean mysid Mesopodopsis orientalis from a tropical estuary (Cochin Backwater), India. Marine and Coastal Biodiversity (edts.) Koshy, Biju and Sreejai, APH Publication Corporation, New Delhi. PP. 400-416.(ISBN: 978-93-313-2566-2).
Biju A, G. Rejomnon, R. Sreejai, M.S. Arya. 2015. Biomonitoring of trace metal pollution using the mysids (Crustacea: Mysida), from the Cochin estuary. Proceedings of the Conservation and management of mangrove ecosystem with special reference to its faunal diversity.
Biju. A, Panampunnayil S.U & Sreejai. R. 2015. Ecology of mysids (Crustacea: Mysida) from the Cochin Backwaters. Proceeding of the Golden Jubilee Seminar in Emerging Trends in Pure and Applied Disciplines, pages 143-155.
Sreejai. R and Biju. A. 2015. Impact of coconut husk retting on heametological characteristics of Oreochromis mossambicus. Proceeding of the Golden Jubilee Seminar in Emerging Trends in Pure and Applied Disciplines. Pages 181-188.
Akhil A.V, A. Biju, N.V. Madhu, Ullas.N. 2015. Short-term dynamics of size fractionated phytoplankton biomass and species succession of a tropical estuary. Marine and Coastal Biodiversity (edts.) Koshy, Biju and Sreejai, APH Publication Corporation, New Delhi. (ISBN: 978-93-313-2566-2).
Praveen P, Biju.A, K. J. Jayalakshmi, V.N. Sanjeevan. 2015. Distribution patterns of zooplankton in the shelf region of Andaman Sea during late summer monsoon, 2010. Marine and Coastal Biodiversity (edts.) Koshy, Biju and Sreejai, APH Publication Corporation, New Delhi. (ISBN: 978-93-313-2566-2).
Rejani G, A. Biju, K.J. Jayalakshmi, V.N. Sanjeevan. 2015. Seasonal variations in mesozooplankton community along continental shelf waters off Kochi (9° 57″N), southwest coast of India. Marine and Coastal Biodiversity (edts.) Koshy, Biju and Sreejai, APH Publication Corporation, New Delhi. (ISBN: 978-93-313-2566-2).
Remya K.R, K.J. Jayalakshmi, A. Biju & V.N. Sanjeevan. 2015 Spatial variation of mesozooplankton composition along the continental shelf regions of western Bay of Bengal during summer monsoon 2010. Marine and Coastal Biodiversity (edts.) Koshy, Biju and Sreejai, APH Publication Corporation, New Delhi. (ISBN: 978-93-313-2566-2).