
Department library

The department is equipped with recent books in all branches of Botany. In addition, the Department displays Journals, periodicals, Atlas, dissertations etc.

Lab facilities & Instrumentation room

 Major equipment of the Department are Microtomes, Centrifuge, Dissection microscope (40), Compound microscope (55), Water bath, Electronic balance, Clavenger apparatus, PH Meter, Colorimeter etc.

Research activities

Research Laboratory with various facilities with internet connections is available in the department.  Faculty members are engaged in various research works. Major research areas are Plant systematics, phytoplankton, mushroom, separation and characterization of bioactive compounds etc.

Research Facilities


Research facilities with a research room having sophisticated instruments with internet facilities are available in the department. Faculty members are engaged in various research works. Major research areas are Plant systematics, phytoplankton, mycology, phycology, separation and characterization of bioactive compounds. Dr. Praveen Dhar T, have research guide ship under University of Kerala. Under his guidance four students are doing research works related different areas of Botany.
Major instruments available

  1.  High resolution compound microscope with camera facility
  2.  High resolution stereo microscope with camera facility
  3.  Sledge microtome
  4.  Electronic balance
  5. Clevenger apparatus
  6. PH Meter
  7. Colorimeter
  8. Culture racks for tissue culture and microbiology
  9. Shakers
  10. Laminar air flow chamber
  11. Simple and compound microscope
  12. Centrifuge
  13. Cold centrifuge
  14. Electrophoresis apparatus
  15. Herbarium of rare plants
  16. Thin Layer and Column chromatography

Extension Activities

The Department of Botany carries out various extension activities in association with different stake holders. Hands on training in mushroom cultivation were conducted each year for the members of Kudumbasree and Janasree units. The department also organized a vegetable farming initiative among students.  Seed distribution, practice in budding, grafting, layering etc. was undertaken among students and others.


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Department Library
Research Lab
M.Sc. Lecture Hall(1)
M.Sc. Lecture Hall(2)
B.Sc. Lecture Hall(1)
B.Sc. Lecture Hall(2)
B.Sc. Lecture Hall(3)
M.Sc. Lab(1)

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