
  1. Suresh Singh.G and Koshy N.J.,New Construction of a Family of Graphs and Its Harmonic Mean Indices , The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis, Volume XII, Issue II, February/2020,ISSN NO: 0886-9367,pp1315-1322.
  2. Suresh Singh.G and N.J. Koshy, ‘Harmonic Mean Coindex of a Graph, Journal of Information and Computational Science, Volume 10, Issue 2 – 2020, ISSN: 1548-7741. , pp. 574-582.
  3. Suresh Singh.G and N.J. Koshy,’ Harmonic Mean Topological Indices of Graphs’ International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management. Volume-3, Issue-2, February-2020 | ISSN (Online): pp 2581-5792.
  4. Suresh Singh.G and N.J. Koshy,’Some more Results on Harmonic Mean Indices of a Graph’, Advances in Mathematics ,Scientific Journal 9(2020), No. 6 4175-4186, ISSN : 1857-8365.

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