Projects (Ongoing/ Completed)

  • “GEF Munnar Land scape Project” implemented by UNDP (Rs. 51 Lakhs) PI . [Status – Completed]
  • Resource augmentation, sustainable harvesting and value addition of medicinal plants resources through Biodiversity Management Committee (BMC)” Medicinal plant conservation NMPB (Rs. 50 Lakhs) PI .[Status – Completed]
  • Kerala State Planning board 2 Minor projects (5 Lakhs)PI [Status – Completed]
  • Principal Investigator of “Venom finger typing of Conus Species from Southern Coasts of Kerala” funded by (Rs 1.3 Lakhs) PI. [Status – Completed]
  • Principal Investigator “Pharmacognosy of Sesbania grandiflora with special reference to its cytotoxic principle” funded by  Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India, New Delhi. (Rs 10. 5 Lakhs) PI .[Status – Completed]

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