
  1. Mithrambika N B, K P Laladhas, Baijulal B, N B Suresh Babu, Oommen V. Oommen, (2017) Monsoon flood plain fishery- Conservation and Management by Biodiversity Management Committee, A Kerala Model. Mainstreaming Biodiversity for Sustainable Diversity Published by KSBB(ISBN No. 978-81-934231-1-0), Pp 388-407
  2. Linda John, K P Laladhas, Dinesh Kumar, Sujith V Gopalan, Dinesh Cheruvat and Oommen Oommen, (2017)  Preponderance of biodiversity at Vellayani worth to conserve as Biodiversity Heritage Site. Mainstreaming Biodiversity for Sustainable Diversity Published by KSBB (ISBN No. 978-81-934231-1-0), Pp 181-201
  3. N B Mithrambika, K P Laladhas, Preetha Nilayangod and Oommen V. Oommen (2017) Decentralised Governance for Sustainable Development in “Biodiversity for Sustainable Development” , book authored by K P Laladhas, Preetha Nilayangod and Oommen V. Oommen for Environment Challenges and solutions series, 3. Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, pp 165-76.
  4. K P Laladhas, Preetha Nilayangod, Sujith V. Gopan, L. Divya and Oommen V. Oommen (2017) Community conservation of Marine Turtles and Sustainable ecosystem in “Biodiversity for Sustainable Development” , book authored by K P Laladhas, Preetha Nilayangod and Oommen V. Oommen for Environment Challenges and solutions series, 3. Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, pp 177-184.
  5. Preetha Nilayangod, K P Laladhas, G S Unnikrishnan Nair, Annie Mathai, B Baiju Lal and Oommen V. Oommen (2017) Grassroots Innovatives for Environmental Sustainability in “Biodiversity for Sustainable Development” , book authored by K P Laladhas, Preetha Nilayangod and Oommen V. Oommen for Environment Challenges and solutions series, 3. Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, pp 185-192.
  6. K P Laladhas, Sujith V. Gopan, Preetha Nilayangod, and Oommen V. Oommen (2017) Conservation through Payment for Conservation of Ecosystems in “Biodiversity for Sustainable Development” , book authored by K P Laladhas, Preetha Nilayangod and Oommen V. Oommen for Environment Challenges and solutions series, 3. Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, pp 193-224.
  7. Preetha Nilayangod, G S Unnikrishnan Nair, K P Laladhas, and Oommen V. Oommen (2017) Geographical indications and Sustainable Livelihood in “Biodiversity for Sustainable Development” , book authored by K P Laladhas, Preetha Nilayangod and Oommen V. Oommen for Environment Challenges and solutions series, 3. Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, pp 225-234.
  8. B Baiju Lal, Preetha Nilayangod, K P Laladhas, and Oommen V. Oommen (2017)Sustainable Development of Idamalakkudi: A Tribal Panchayat in “Biodiversity for Sustainable Development” , book authored by K P Laladhas, Preetha Nilayangod and Oommen V. Oommen for Environment Challenges and solutions series, 3. Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, pp 259-266.
  9. Sujith V. Gopan, Linda John, K P Laladhas, and Oommen V. Oommen (2017) Sustainability of Native Fish Brood and Rural Livelihood in “Biodiversity for Sustainable Development” , book authored by K P Laladhas, Preetha Nilayangod and Oommen V. Oommen for Environment Challenges and solutions series, 3. Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, pp 295-302.
  10. Linda John, K P Laladhas, and Oommen V. Oommen (2017) Restoring Fish Habitats for Sustainable Livelihood in “Biodiversity for Sustainable Development” , book authored by K P Laladhas, Preetha Nilayangod and Oommen V. Oommen for Environment Challenges and solutions series, 3. Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, pp 303-308.
  11. Preetha Nilayangod, K P Laladhas and Oommen V. Oommen (2017) Biodiversity and Sustainable Development: A Retrospect in “Biodiversity for Sustainable Development” , book authored by K P Laladhas, Preetha Nilayangod and Oommen V. Oommen for Environment Challenges and solutions series, 3. Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, pp 315-322.
  12. Preetha Nilayangod, Dinesan Cheruvat, K P Laladhas and Oommen V. Oommen (2016) ABS –Unlocking the opportunities, Journal of Traditional and Folklore practices 4 (2) pp 27-36.
  13. Oommen V Oommen and Laladhas KP (2016)Sustainable management and use of terrestrial ecosystem-SDGs and India, United Nations Special Paper Series on Sustainable Development Target-15, April 2016, Research and Development for Developing Country RIS-UN Special Paper Series on SDGs. RIS, New Delhi.
  14. Linda John, Sujith V. Gopalan, S. Priyanka & Krishna Panicker Laladhas (2016) Sighting of Red-breasted Parakeet Psittacula alexandri (Linnaeus, 1758) (Psittaciformes: Psittaculidae) from Vellayani, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 April 2016 | 8(4): 8732–8735
  15. Preetha N, Laladhas KP & Oommen V Oommen (2016) Public participation in land use planning of Western Ghats National Seminar on Emerging approaches in Land use planning, Kerala Land Use Board.13th & 14th January 2016.
  16. K P Laladhas, Preetha.N, Linda John, Sandhya Rani V and Oommen V Oommen (2015) Sustainable Monsoon floodplain fisheries in Biocultural Heritage and Sustainability eds K P Laladhas and Oommen V Oommen, Kerala State Biodiversity Board.
  17. K P Laladhas, Preetha.N, Linda John, Oommen V Oommen (2015) People’s Artificial reefs for sustainable natural resource management in Biocultural Heritage and Sustainability eds K P Laladhas and Oommen V Oommen, Kerala State Biodiversity Board.
  18. N, K P Laladhas Linda John, Sujith. V Gopalan and Oommen V Oommen (2015) Heronry conservation incentives for Biodiversity conservation in Biocultural Heritage and Sustainability eds K P Laladhas and Oommen V Oommen, Kerala State Biodiversity Board.
  19. K P Laladhas, Baiju Lal B, Preetha.N, Oommen V Oommen (2015) A tribal panchayat shows the way of sustainability in Biocultural Heritage and Sustainability eds K P Laladhas and Oommen V Oommen, Kerala State Biodiversity Board.
  20. K P Laladhas, Preetha.N, Mithrambika N B and Oommen V Oommen (2015) Biodiversity governance at local level in Biocultural Heritage and Sustainability eds K P Laladhas and Oommen V Oommen, Kerala State Biodiversity Board.
  21. Preetha N, G S Unnikrishnan Nair, K P Laladhas, Annie Mathai,  BaijuLal B, Vijayasree A S   (2015) Green warriors in Biocultural Heritage and Sustainability eds K P Laladhas and Oommen V Oommen, Kerala State Biodiversity Board.
  22. G S Unnikrishnan Nair, P.Laladhas, Oommen V Oommen (2015)A safe home for the visitors for the deep sea in Biocultural Heritage and Sustainability eds K P Laladhas and Oommen V Oommen, Kerala State Biodiversity Board.
  23. G S Unnikrishnan Nair, Laladhas K P, Baijulal B, Oommen V Oommen (2015) Waste to wealth in Biocultural Heritage and Sustainability eds K P Laladhas and Oommen V Oommen, Kerala State Biodiversity Board.
  24. G S Unnikrishnan Nair, Laladhas K P, Krishnan P, Oommen V Oommen (2015) Harvesting water the traditional way in Biocultural Heritage and Sustainability eds K P Laladhas and Oommen V Oommen, Kerala State Biodiversity Board
  25. Preetha N, Laladhas K P and Oommen V Oommen Western Ghats – Biodiversity Conservation (2015) Proceedings of National Seminar on Patents, Plant Breeding Biotechnology and Conservation 3-5 Dec 2015, Malabar Botanic Garden-Kozhikode.
  26. Dileepkumar R., Anaswara Krishnan S., Laladhas K. P. and Oommen V. O. (2015) The diversity and the ecological status of snakes in Kerala region- A view to prioritize conservation measures, Biodiversity Conservation – Challenges for Future, Bentham Science Publishers Ltd, pp. 3-25.
  27. Laladhas K. P., Preetha N., Baijulal B. and Oommen V. O (2015).Conservation of medicinal plant resources through community born biodiversity management committee, Kerala, India Biodiversity Conservation – Challenges for Future, Bentham Science Publishers Ltd, pp. 27-39.
  28. Sudarslal S., Balaram P. and Laladhas K. P. (2015) Identification, purification and mass spectrometric characterization of two novel cyclic peptides from Clitoria ternatea Biodiversity Conservation – Challenges for Future, Bentham Science Publishers Ltd, pp. 203-210.
  29. Preetha N., Laladhas K. P. and Oommen V. O. (2015) Biodiversity Conservation – Challenges for future and way forward Biodiversity Conservation – Challenges for Future, Bentham Science Publishers Ltd, 243-250.
  30. Biju Kumar. A, Laladhas K. P., and Shaji C. P, Vernacular names of freshwater fishes of Kerala (2014), Journal of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries, Vol. 2(1), pp. 81-91.
  31. Laladhas K. P., Preetha N., Baijulal B and Oommen V. O. (2014) Building synergies between science and local knowledge for conservation of biodiversity – People’s Biodiversity Register Compendium – Traditional Knowledge, 26th Kerala Science Congress, 28th-31st January, 2014, Wayanad, Kerala, pp. 122-142.
  32. Laladhas K. P., PreethaN., Baijulal B and Oommen V. O. (2014) Strategies for Biodiversity Governance – Kerala Perspectives International Conference on Environmental Biology and Ecological Modelling (ICEBEM 2014), 24 to 26 Feb 2014, Kolkata, P. 28.
  33. N. and Laladhas K. P, Water for Life, Life for Water (2013), Scientia Newsletter September, P 8.
  34. Laladhas K. P., Preetha N., Baijulal B. and Oommen V. O. (2013) Region – specific biodiversity education – The role of People’s Biodiversity Register Sci., Vol. 105, No. 12, p. 1653.
  35. Shaji C.P and Laladhas K. P. (2013) Monsoon flood plain fishery and traditional fishing methods in Thrissur district, Kerala J. Tradit. Know., Vol. 12(1) pp. 102-108.
  36. Oommen V. O, Laladhas K. P. (2013), Dheseeya Jaiva Vivydhya  Congress –2012  review Yojana ( Govt. of India ) 41, pp 50-52.
  37. Shaji C.P and Laladhas K. P (2013). Multifariousness in the structure and fabrication of ‘KOODU’ – A traditional fish trap of Kerala– Journal of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries 1(1 &2) pp. 77-82.
  38. Laladhas K. P., Preetha N. and Oommen V. O (2013) Culture, Heritage and Biodiversity Register Kerala Environment Congress 9th to 11th October 2013, Organised by Centre for Environment and Development , pp 15-22.
  39. Oommen V. O. and Laladhas K. P., WGEEP Report needs review (2012) Kerala Calling, 33(2) pp. 16-18.
  40. Sajan D., Thomas Kuruvilla, Laladhas K. P., I. Hubert Joe, Surface-enhanced Raman scattering and DFT theoretical studies on the adsorption behavior of plumbagin on nanoparticles (2012) J. Physics. (Proceedings of the Indian Association for cultivation of science), Vol. 85(3) pp. 477-484.
  41. R V Varma, P. Laladhas and C. P. Shaji (2011) Restoratin of Kole wetlands ecosystem through Peoples’s participationContribution of Ecosystem restoration to the objectives of the CBD and a healthy Planet for all people, at 15th Meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice of CBD 7-11 Nov 2011, Montreal, Canada. UN CBD Technical series No. 62, PP 102-103.
  42. Laladhas K. P., Vinto T. Cheriyan, Vinesh K. T., Smitha V. B., Rajesh G. U., Parvathy V. and Ruby J. A., (2010) A novel protein fraction from Sesbania grandiflora shows potential anticancer and chemo preventive efficacy, in vitro and in vivo J. Cell. Molecular Medicine. Vol. 14(3) pp. 636-646.
  43. Prameela, Balachandran and Laladhas K. P.(2007)., Effect of extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields on plant physiology: A case study on cow pea Kerala Science Congress, 19, pp. 19
  44. Laladhas K. P., Serji K. and Dionysius J. M (2007) Cyclotides- a New Class of Biologically signified Mini-proteins generated from plantdiversity Proceeding of the National Seminar on Biodiversity Conservation in the Kerala scenario. St.Stephens College, Pathanapuram, pp. 19-24.
  45. Benjamin Franklin, Mustaq Ahammed and Laladhas K. P. (2007) Biological and Chemical Diversity of Cone Snails Proceeding of the National Seminar on Biodiversity Conservation in the Kerala scenario. Stephens College,Pathanapuram, pp. 1-5.
  46. Sajan, Laladhas K. P., I. Hubert Joe, V. S. Jayakumar, (2005) Vibrational spectra and density functional theoretical calculations on the antitumour drug, plumbagin, J. Raman Spectroscopy, 36, pp.1001-1011.
  47. Laladhas K. P., Vino TC and Ruby John Anto (2004) Induction of Caspase mediated apoptosis by SF2, A complex protein fraction from Sesbania grandiflora in human colon cancer cells, In 23rd Annual convention of the Indian Association for Cancer Research; Special symposium on Anticancer drugs 29-31 Jan 2004.
  48. K. Jayasree, P. Pradeep, Sabu Thomas and Laladhas K. P(2003) Tearing and glass transition behavior of thermoplastic elasometric blends of high-density polyethylene/ styrene Butadiene rubber: Influence of Blend Ratio, Morphology and dynamic cross-linking Int J. Polym. Mater, 20: 227-236.
  49. Abilash, G. Rajesh, Laladhas K. P. and P. Vijayammal.Antineoplastic role of Sesbania grandiflora (2002) In the proceedings of 14th Kerala Science Congress 2002 pp. 665-66.
  50. Laladhas K. P. and R. Kaleysa Raj(1995). Epitope Specific monoclonal antibodies from heterologous antigen for filariasis. Indian J. Med. Res., 101: pp. 183-89.
  51. Laladhas K. P. and R. Kaleysa Raj (1995). An Excretory secretary and surface proteins: The antigenic and dynamic biomolecules of Setaria digitata Multidisciplinary Research Review 5(1) 1-6.
  52. Laladhas K. P. and Godwin W (1993). Bioenergetics of Cyprinus carpio Multidisciplinary Research Review 3(a) 1993, 28-34.
  53. Laladhas K. P., S. William D. and R. Kaleysa Raj (1993). Synthesis and release of proteins homologous to excretory secretary antigens during embryogenisis of Setaria digitata . J.Biosci., Vol. 18(3) pp. 311-318.
  54. R. Kaleysa Raj, Laladhas K. P., Linda John, C. Maya Devi and Sugunan V. S(1991)  An Excretory Secretary material of promise for the immunodiagnosis of filariasis In the proceedings of Kerala Academy of Sciences, Vol. II, pp. 53-56.


  • K P Laladhas, Preetha Nilayangod and Oommen V. Oommen, Biodiversity for Sustainable Development Series III of Environmental Chellenges and Solution by SPRINGER International Publishing Switzerland, 2017.
  • K P Laladhas, Oommen V. Oommen and P R Sudhakaran, Biodiversity Conservation – Challenges for Future, Bentham Science Publishers Ltd, Sharjah, UAE.  2015.
Sl No Title Year ISBN Publisher
1 Flying Colours of Vembanad 2018. 978-81-932596-4-1 KSBB
2 Biodiversity Richness of Kerala 2016. 978-81-932596-3-4 KSBB
3 Feathers of Vellayani 2016 978-81-932596-2-7 KSBB
4 Caecilian Diversity of Kerala 2016 978-81-932596-8-9 KSBB
5 Snakes of Kerala Co-authored 2016 978-81-932596-7-2 KSBB
6 Bio-cultural Heritage and Sustainability 2015 978-81-932596-0-3 KSBB
7 Marine Gastropods of Kerala 2013 978-81-920338-9-1 KSBB
  • Medicinal Properties of Selected Plants used in vrikshayurveda
  • Jaiva Vaividhya Paripalana Samithi (BMC Book)
  • Ousada Sasyangalude Swabhavika Uravidangalude,vilaveduppum moolya varthida, ulpanna valkaranavum.(Bodha valkaranathinulla, kaipusthakam) 
  • Biodiversity Club Manuel
  • Prakrithi Smrekshanam Gandhijiyude Kazhchappadil.


  • Prepared and published, ‘PachimaGata Paristhithi Vidhaktha Samithi Report, OruAvalokanam’( Malayalam) – Jan 2013.
  • Edited a book on ‘PachimaGata Paristhithi Vidhaktha Samithi Report, KeralathilePrasakthaBhagangal’ June – 2012.
  • Edited a book on ‘Understanding Report of the Western Ghats Ecology’ Expert panel, Kerala Prespective June – 2012.
  • Pashchima Katta Unnathathala Samithi (HLWG), Pashchima Katta Paristhithi Vidaktha Samithi(WGEEP) Reportukalude Avalokanam.
  1. Common Trees of Kerala
  2. Invasive and alian Plants of Kerala
  3. Common Amphibians of Kerala
  4. Mushrooms of Kerala
  5. Mangroves & Mangrove Associates of Kerala
  6. Keralathile Oushadasasya Vaividhyam
  7. Kerala Theerathe Kadal Jeevikal
  8. Keralathile Chithrasalabhangal
  9. Jaivakrishi Oru Prayogikapadam
  10. Keralathile Shudhajala Malsyangal
  11. Prakrithi Geethangal
  12. Marotti
  13. Paristhithi Vijanavum Jaivavaividhya Nattarivum
  1. Island Biodiversity
  2. Waters Birds
  3. Poultry Breeds
  4. Native Cattle Breeds
  5. Aromatic Rice Varieties of Kerala
  6. Native Goat Breeds
  7. People’s Artificial Reefs – PAR
  8. Bhoomiyude Pachakudakal
  9. Kavukal
  10. Thavalakal Manmarayumbol
  11. Tumbikal Prakrithiyude Vismayangal
  12. Nhanmayude Nheerthadangal
  13. Keralathile Vanangal
  14. Kadalukal Malinamavumbol
  15. Kandal Kaadukal
  16. Vittinthe Avakasikal
  17. Keralathile Naadan Pashukal
  18. Keralathile Naadan Aadinangal
  19. Keralathile Sugandha Nellinangalum Ousada Nellinangalum
  20. Keralathile Naadan Valarthu Pakshikal
  21. Kerala State Biodiversity Board
  22. Ootha Ilakkam Matsyangalude Prajananakalam

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