Conferences/Seminars/ Workshops/Training

  1. Jaiva Vaividhya Mela” and Biodiversity Expo at Nehru stadium, Kottayam from 18th to 24th Feb 2016.
  2. Second National Biodiversity Congress and Expo (Five days) held during 23-27, February, 2015, Kanakakkunnu Palace, Thiruvananthapuram.
  3. First National Biodiversity Congress and Expo (Ten days) held on 21-30, December, 2012, Kanakakkunnu Palace, Thiruvananthapuram.
  4. Kerala State Biodiversity Board, in association with Forest Department and Indian Railways organized the Exhibition of photos on the flora and fauna of Kerala at Thiruvananthapuram Central Railway Station, Platform No.1., on 22nd May – June 5th 2013.
  5. International Day for Biological Diversity Programme, organized by Kerala State Biodiversity Board on  22nd May 2013, Kanakakkunnu Palace, Thiruvananthapuram.
  6. Workshop of “Management of People’s Biodiversity Register”, KFRI, Peechi, February 28th, March 1st and 2nd, 2013.
  7. Environmental Summit”, organized by Kerala State Biodiversity Board at Kodungalloor, on 2013 May 4-5 as a part of the Aksharam Educational Programme of Kodungalloor Constituency.
  8. A Workshop on “Intangible Natural Heritage” with focus on methodology was organized by National Museum of Natural History jointly with Kerala State Biodiversity Board, Centre for Environment and Development and JNTBGRI from 9th-11th March 2013, at Vattiyoorkakavu, Thiruvananthapuram.
  9. A Three day workshop of the Western Ghats Ecology Expert Panel (WGEEP) was organized by KSBB on behalf of the Union Ministry of Environment and Forests at KILA, on May 2011.
  10. Kerala State Biodiversity Board organized a one day workshop to discuss the large scale extraction of Medicinal plants at Hotel Chaitram on 22-12-2011.
  11. KSBB organized a one day workshop for the BMC members of Ernakulam and Thrissur districts at KILA (2011).
  12. National Seminar on Biodiversity Conservation in the Kerala scenario, organized by St. Stephens College, Pathanapuram, 6-7 March 2007.
  13. State Level Seminar on Fifty years of DNA, organized by St Stephens College,Pathanapuram and STED, Govt. of Kerala on 28th November 2003.
  14. National Seminar on Recent trends in Environmental and Biomedical Research, organized by St Stephens College, Pathanapuram and STED, Govt. of Kerala on 5th December 2002.
  1. Frequent programmes for talk in All India Radio on various areas of Biodiversity and ecosystem.
  2. Technical talk on National Science day at Department of Zoology, SN College, Punalur on 28th February 2017.Sponsored by DST, Government of India and KSCSTE, Government of Kerala.
  3. Key note address in seminar organized by the Department of Botany- St Stephen’s College, Pathanapuram sponsored by Kerala State Council for Science and Technology on 2nd February 2017
  4. Attended two days conference and presented views on Biodiversity Governance for State Biodiversity Boards: Challenges and prospects at National Law School of India University, Bangaluru organized by Center for Biodiversity policy & Law and NBA from 25th & 26th October 2016.
  5. Presented paper and Moderator at Conference on “Environment and Human rights” at Town Hall, Palakad on 23rd July 2016, organized by Kerala State Human Rights Commission.
  6. Online presentation in International Trade and health conference 2016, 8-10 August 2016 at Bangkok, Thailand. On “Traditional Knowledge and genetic resources (TK & GR), traditional medicine and Biodiversity and benefit sharing; what Thailand should do on 9th August 2016.
  7. Attended as an Expert member and presented the expert view entitled “Evolving criteria for the presentation of Coastal and Marine People’s Biodiversity Register” for the policy dialogue on mainstreaming biodiversity in to the Fisheries sector. At NBA, Chennai on 26th November 2016.
  8. Key note address at Environment seminar organized by International Center for Gandhian Thoughts on 12th December 2016 at Palakad.
  9. Strategies for Biodiversity Governance – Kerala Perspectives (2014) Laladhas K. P., PreethaN., Baijulal B and Oommen V. O., International Conference on Environmental Biology and Ecological Modeling (ICEBEM 2014),  24 to 26 Feb 2014, Kolkata, P. 28.
  10. People’s Biodiversity Register – A Tool for Natural Resource Management (2014) Laladhas K. P.,Preetha N. and Oommen V. O., National Conference on Biodiversity-Issues, Concern and Future strategies, 16-18 January 2014, Kolkata, Published by West Bengal Biodiversity Board and Zoological Survey of India, P 42.
  11. Culture, Heritage and Biodiversity Register (2013) Laladhas K. P., Preetha N. and Oommen V. O., Kerala Environment Congress 9th to 11th October 2013, Organised by Centre for Environment and Development , pp 15-22.
  12. Identification, purification and characterization of two novel cyclic peptides from Clitoria ternatea (2012) Laladhas K. P.,Vishnuraj, Balaram P, Sudarslal S, Programme and Abstracts, National Biodiversity Congress (NBC 2012), Dec 27-30, Thiruvananthapuram.
  13. Identification of Peptides from Clitoria ternatea.(2009) Vishnuraj, Laladhas K. P. International Seminar on Mass Spectrometry NCBS, Bangalore Nov 2009.
  14. Cyclotides- a New Class of Biologically signified Mini-proteins generated from plantdiversity (2007). Laladhas K. P., Serji K. and Dionysius J. M., Proceeding of the National Seminar on Biodiversity Conservation in the Kerala scenario. St. Stephens College, Pathanapuram, , 5-6th December 2002.
  15. Induction of Caspase mediated apoptosis by SF2, A complex protein fraction from Sesbaniagrandiflora in human colon cancer cells (2004) Laladhas K. P., Vino TC and Ruby John Anto. In 23rd Annual convention of the Indian Association for Cancer Research, Special symposium on Anticancer drugs 29-31 Jan 2004.
  16. Immunodiagnosis of filariasis by ES origin from Setaria digitata.(1994) Laladhas K. P. and R. Kaleysaraj. In the proceedings of 16th International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Vol. II P. 100.
  17. Immunodiagnostic application of a purified ES antigen of Setaria digitata for filariasis detection.(1994) Laladhas K. P.and Kaleysa Raj R. In the proceedings of the IV symposium on vector and vector born diseases, P.18.
  18. An Excretory Secretary material of promise for the immunodiagnosis of filariasis (1991). R. Kaleysa Raj, Laladhas K. P., Linda John, C. Maya Devi and Sugunan V. S.. In the proceedings of Kerala Academy of Sciences,Vol. II, pp. 53-56.
  19. Survival of filarial parasites (1993). Kaleysa Raj R., William Decruse, John Bright, Laladhas K. P., Linda John and Maya Devi. In the proceedings of 3rd Asian Congress of Parasitology, P. 42.
  1. Orientation Programme for Staffs of Mount Tabor Institutions on 07. 08. 2017 at St Stephen’s College, Pathanapuram.
  2. World Environment Day Celebration, Seminar Organised by Department of Zoology on 7th June 2017
  3. International Conference on “Nutraceuticals and Chronic Diseases- 2016” on 9th-11th September, 2016 at Kochi, India.
  4. International Conference on Enforcement of Multilateral Environmental agreements, 4-6 March 2016 at Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi.
  5. Attended the 24th, 25th, 26th, and 27th meeting of the Expert Committee on Access and Benefit Sharing on 11-05-2013, 15-06-2013, 21-08-2013, 21-11-2013 at NBA, Chennai.
  6. Workshop on “ Crowd Sourcing of in situ data for remote sensing and Modeling of Environment” on 7th August 2013 at S.P. Grand Days, Thiruvananthapuram, sponsored by DoECC in collaboration with Department of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (DCBB), University of Kerala and University of Alabama.
  7. 9th Kerala Environment Congress (KEC 2013) organized by CED in collaboration with KSCSTE and KSBB, 9-11, October, 2013 at Co- Bank Towers Auditorium, Thiruvananthapuram.
  8. A Three day training programme on National legislation on Biodiversity for SAARC member States organized by National Biodiversity Authority (NBA) during 29-31 August, 2012 at Chennai.
  9. A Three day workshop of the Western Ghats Ecology Expert Panel (WGEEP) was organized by KSBB on behalf of the Union Ministry of Environment and Forests at KILA, on May 2011.
  10. Kerala State Biodiversity Board organized a one day workshop to discuss the large scale extraction of Medicinal plants at Hotel Chaitram on 22-12-2011.
  11. Genomics and Society, a seminar organized by the Department of Biochemistry, University of Kerala during 4 – 6th February 2004.
  12. Seminar on DNA, a tool for diagnosis of human Disease, organized by the Departmentof Biochemistry, University College Trivandrum on 28th February 2003.
  13. State Level Seminar on Fifty years of DNA, organized by St. Stephens College,Pathanapuram and STED, Govt. of Kerala on 28th November 2003.
  14. National Seminar on Recent trends in Environmental and Biomedical Research, organized by St. Stephens College, Pathanapuram and STED, Govt. of Kerala on 5th December 2002.
  15. Workshop on Battle against Tobacco at RCC on 10th October 2000.
  16. National Conference on “Molecular diagnostics” By the Department of Biochemistry, University of Kerala during 27-29 June 1998.
  1. Attended State Biodiversity Boards Conference on 30th September to 1st October 2016 at NBA, Chennai.
  2. Twelfth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, COP -12,  Pyeongchang, Republic of Korea, 6 – 17 October 2014.
  3. GoI-UNDP Project entitled “Strengthening Natural Resources Management at Narmadha, MoEF & CC, New Delhi 30th Sept 2014.
  4. Attended the meeting of SBBs on 20-21 January 2014 at NBA, Chennai.
  5. Visited MoEF to meet the Hon. Minister for MoEF and the counsels of Kerala Govt. to give the recommendations of the Expert Committee on Kasthurirangan Committee Report on 11-13 February 2014.
  6. Discussed about Kasthurirangan Committee Report with the Secretary, Joint Secretary and other officials of MoEF in Delhi on 27th February 2014.
  7. Attended the 24th, 25th, 26th, and 27th meeting of the Expert Committee on Access and Benefit Sharing on 11-05-2013, 15-06-2013, 21-08-2013, 21-11-2013 at NBA, Chennai.
  8. Attended the one day consultative meeting organized by NBA on 01 August 2013 at Pune.
  9. Attended the discussion meeting on Status of ABS mechanism in India on 26th February, 2013 by National Biodiversity authority, Chennai.
  10. Addressed the meeting on BMC empowerment to Grama Panchayat Presidents held in Kozhikode during 23-24 February, 2013.
  11. Eleventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 11), Hyderabad, 2012.
  12. A Three day training programme on National legislation on Biodiversity for SAARC member States organized by National Biodiversity Authority (NBA) during 29-31 August, 2012 at Chennai.
  13. Attended the Two day meeting of the Seventh Annual Meet of the State Biodiversity Boards held at Chennai on 27-28 January 2012.
  14. Carried out a biodiversity assessment study of the Edamalakudy Grama Panchayat in connection with the PBR preparation from 6-9, July, 2012.
  15. Evaluated the progress of Tuber Conservation Project in Wayanad and took part in the PBR workshop on 11-09-2012.
  16. Attended the meeting conducted on Conservation of Native Breeds held in Kottayam on 18-10-2012.
  17. Refresher Course in Environmental Sciences for Faculties at ASC, University of Kerala 3rd to 24th January 2005.
  18. Refresher Course in Environmental Sciences for Faculties at ASC, University of Kerala from 10th to 31st March 2004.
  19. Course on Natural Disaster Management by Institute of Land Management Government of Kerala on 27th July 2001.
  20. Refresher course for Programme Officers of National Service Scheme at Rajagiri International Centre for Social Study, Kalamaserry 21st to25th November 2000.
  21. Orientation course for Programme Officers of National Service Scheme at Rajagiri International Centre for Social Study, Kalamaserry 14 – 23rd July 1998.
  22. Orientation Programme for Lectures at Academic Staff College, University of Kerala, Trivandrum, during 8th October to 4th November 1998.
  23. MERIEUX COURSE on Molecular approaches to the understanding of immune diversity, immune regulation and auto immunity at Madurai Kamaraj University during 14th to 20th November 1994, funded by Meraux Foundation, France.

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