
  1. Synthesis,Characterization, DNA Cleavage, and Antimicrobial Studies of Some Transition Metal Complexes With a Novel Schiff Base Derived From 2-Aminopyrimidine,Sindhu, C. J. Athira, M. S. Sujamol, R. SelwinJoseyphus& K. Mohanan, Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, Metal-Organic, and Nano-Metal Chemistry, 2013,43, 226–236.
  2.  Synthesis, characterization, thermal decomposition studies and dyeing  properties of some novel transition metal complexes of an azo derivative formed from 2-aminothiophene,
    S. Sujamol, Y. Sindhu, C. J. Athira and K. Mohanan, Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2011, 56 (8), 1276–1283.
  3. Synthesis and spectroscopic characterization of some lanthanide(III nitrate  complexes of ethyl 2-[2-(1-acetyl-2-oxopropyl)azo]-4,5-dimethyl-3-thiophenecarboxyate,J. Athira, Y. Sindhu, M. S. Sujamol and K. Mohanan,Journal of Serbian Chemical Society, 2011, 76 (2), 249–261.
  4. Synthesis, spectroscopic characterization, electrochemical behaviour and  thermal decomposition studies of some transition metal complexes with an  azo derivative,S. Sujamol, C. J. Athira, Y. Sindhu and K. Mohanan,Spectrochimica Acta, Part A, 2010, 75, 106–112.
  5. Synthesis, characterization and antibacterial studies of oxovanadium(IV)  complexes with thiazole-derived Schiff bases, Sindhu, C. J. Athira, M. S. Sujamol and K. Mohanan, Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Silicon and the Related Elements, 2010, 185, 1955–1963.
  6. Synthesis, spectroscopic characterization and thermal studies of some     lanthanide(III) nitrate complexes with a hydrazo derivative of  4-amino-    antipyrine, Mohanan, C. J. Athira, Y. Sindhu and M. S. Sujamol, Journal of Rare Earths, 2009, 27 (5), 705–710.

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